How to prevent swelling after a hair transplant surgery?

When we see a hair transplant patient for the first time, we might notice some sort of swelling occurring directly on his forehead or under the eyes. Swelling can occur due to the hair transplant procedure where the surgeon injects some liquids such as anaesthesia and adrenaline in the scalp to stop pain, bleeding, and to make a space between the scalp and skull muscles in order to easily extract the hair follicles from the donor area. Swelling can remain for a few days if properly taken care of, while in some cases it may cause infection and discomfort to the patient.

To avoid complications resulting to swelling, the following steps must be followed. It will not only help in reducing swelling, but also in preventing any further infection and discomfort.

1- Keep your head in an elevated and upright position:

After undergoing your hair transplantation, it is adviced to sleep lying on your back and keeping your head in an upright position. This will not only reduce swelling, but also prevents in causing any damage to the transplanted hair. You can use the help of two pillows one above the other to do so, or using an air pillow around your neck to achieve that as well.

2- Take your medications regularly:

After hair transplantation is done, doctors will provide you with some medications which you are meant to take regularly until the dosage finishes. They could be: Antibiotics, painkillers, and in addition anti-swelling pills to reduce the chances of swelling on forehead and under eye areas.

3- Cold compresses:

Using cold compresses can help you to reduce swelling around your eyes. They help in constricting the blood vessels near the eye, hence, preventing any swelling effect on the eyes. Everything must be done with care, as too much use of cold compression can also adversely affect the growth of the new hair follicles.

4- Physical Activity:

The first 4 days is very important to check the type of physical activities one does regularly. It takes the duration of 4 days for the liquids inserted in the head to vanish; therefore one needs to be very careful about his head movements. Any rigorous physical movement must be prevented by the patient as this enhances the chances of swelling. For example, walking for long distances isn’t likeable, also bending the head during walking can cause the liquid to come down from the forehead down to the patient’s eyes causing swelling to that area. Rigorous movements that can also cause sweating can adversely affect the growth of the hair and can lead to any other infection too. In Addition, lot of physical activity can also cause bleeding from the implanted area as well as the donor area. That is why going to the gym is also forbidden till after a month or two.

5- Some drugs are not allowed if you have swelling:

Drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen must not be consumed as they make the blood thin, enhancing the chances of swelling and bursting.

6-Use of steroids:

Minimum use of steroid such as Kenalog, Medrol and Triamcinolone also reduces swelling on the forehead. These steroids are consumed by injecting them into the blood. Other than this, corticosteroids can also be used to minimize swelling. All said and done, steroids can be used if it is absolutely necessary and it must be used in very less quantity and not regularly .

*These instructions can be followed if one notices any swellings after the hair transplant surgery in order to reduce it to the minimum and prevent it as well.

You may contact our medical team about any further information you need to know about the hair transplant on these numbers:



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