What Role Does a Graft Have in Hair Transplantation ?

What Role Does a Graft Have in Hair Transplantation ?


Thanks to this speed and this engine, there will be no scars at all, only some redness in both the recipient area and donor area which will disappear after two weeks of recovery.

So, if there are no grafts, the person will not be able to do the hair transplant, the grafts are the most important thing to perform this operation.


after extracting the grafts, we clean them with a special product to keep them  in a good health and we count them one by one with all professionalism so that they are ready to be implanted just after opening the channls.


The grafts implanted normally fall after the first month of the operation so that the new grafts appear from the 3rd month.

The new look and the final result take 7 to 8 months for the forehead and the middle, and for the crown area it can take a year or more.


So, to be able to do a hair transplant operation, you must have a donor area  in a  good health, that’s why the consultation is very important before the operation. A well-experienced Doctor must do a special and a suitable hair  analysis for each person with a specific plan.

Its so important to see if the donor area is good enough and able to give us enough grafts to implant in the bald area and the most important thing is to take the maximum  and to be careful to not  destroy the donor area .


Making the right hair transplant plan is the first step for a successful result, if the plan is not done by experienced people, the result and the donor area can be in danger.


The second step to have  a good result is to keep the grafts healthy after extracting them, as we said before the grafts are the core of the operation, so if inexperienced people extract these grafts, they can  kill them, implanted the dead grafts cause the non-regrowth and therefore the dissatisfaction of the patient.


That’s why some patients don’t understand why there is no regrowth or result, unfortunately their operations were done by non-experienced people who killed their grafts before implanting them

So, keeping the grafts in good condition and taking good care of them is very important.


all these steps are too important, and the procedure takes a lot of time and requires experience and patience. Removing a large number of grafts, one by one and keeping them in the right condition and implanted correctly, are steps that only the experienced can do and succeed at.

For the success of the operation, our doctor Olcay Saygin gives some instructions to follow before and after the operation

Before the patient comes to our clinic we ask him questions about his health, if he takes medication and if he has any diseases, in this case the doctor follow with him the procedure according to his disease and asks for the names of the medicines.

If his case needs to go back to his own doctor and stop some medication, our doctor with the help of our anesthesia doctor follow his case and find the solutions to be able to do the operation safely.


Each patient has his medical file with all the necessary information to avoid any risk.The  health comes first.


If after all the follow-up, the patient’s health allows him to do the operation, the doctor send him instructions to follow before the operation, we are concerned with diet, stopping alcohol, etc.


And after the surgery , the patient has some instructions to follow also , with the help of his translator and medical assistant who will be on contact with him till the final result .


There are people who think that hair transplantation is too easy and simple a operation , in fact ,this operation is really meticulous and difficult, you absolutely have to take the time to look for the right place to do it and follow everything from A to Z for best results


The danger of doing this operation in the wrong place is valid and possible, but what is the great danger ?  Unfortunately after the bad result there is no opportunity to recover it with another operation why?


The donor area will be well destroyed so you should not take even more grafts


There is also a risk of having sensitive skin after the operation due to abuse of the skin


The risk of having dead grafts because of the male extraction made in the operation


That’s why you have to be careful and above all follow the instructions properly.

After all the instructions that our doctor gives to the patient, and when the doctor is sure that the latter can perform the operation, he is asked to come to our clinic. As soon as he arrives he meets the Doctor for a second consultation and to discuss the frontal line and the patient’s expectations to begin afterwards to recheck his health with the help of a blood test, allergies, check of blood pressure and heartbeats .


Just after all that local anesthesia begins after giving the patient an anti pain in his veins and antibiotics under the presence of the doctor of anesthesia. After that the most important step begins, the instructions of the grafts with all caution, cleaning them and calculating them by taking good care to implant them afterwards with all safety.

If all of this has been followed , the hair transplant will be successful and the patient will be satisfied before, during and after the result.


It is very important to take the stress out of the patient, and that he sees that he is in safe hands and that is our goal in the Olcay Saygin Zenhair clinic, it is to satisfy our patients as much as possible and make him feel that he is safe.


At the clinic of Doctor Olcay Saygin Zenhair, with more than 15 years of experience in the field of hair transplantation, your health and your grafts are in safe hands.

please contact us for a free hair plan and for more information.

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